Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Daddy Daughter Time

It was daddy daughter date night tonight. I love these nights. Lizzie is going out to dinner with some friends so it leaves me and Aimee to do what ever we want. So as you can see the first order of business is of course dinner, she is a Wroblewski and makes me proud. As you can see there is one of everything in that bowl. Goldfish, chicken, pasta, potatoes, is that polish sausage and pierogi's I see? Because the weather is so crappy we decided to stay in tonight, so the secound order of business is of course Teletubbies. Fun Fun Fun, I just can't get enough of these guys, girls, or whatever these things are. It's funny when you're watching these shows with your daughter and you get all into it, next thing you know she's reading a book in the next room for the last 5 minutes and you have been intently watching this show the whole time. Makes me feel yukky all over. Final order of business before bedtime is tickle fights. These are fun. No matter how crappy of a day I had at work or whatever, these times with Aimee make me forget about everything. I know now what it's like to live with your heart outside of your body. It somehow makes living life a lot easier looking into those big brown eyes and hearing "I Doooo" (i love you).
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Yoli said...

You're really good at this blog thing man. I had no idea you could be so lyrical.

Mom said...

Great blog son, I am proud!!!

stephanie said...

dang i would do anything to eat whats in that bowl. aimee looks so much like liz!