Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sorry Neighbors

I would have one of these on the front and back license plates of both my cars if it wasn't for the neighbors across the street. I don't know but i'm about 80 percent sure that they are chinese. Its not that i'm a chicken shit or anything, it's just that I don't want to have to be replacing the tires on my car every week with new ones. You also never know what kind of crazy's that you can run into or I should say that can run into you while driving down the road. I'm not one of these people that is all "Union Yes" or anything, but I thing that we as a country need to start paying a little bit more attention to where the products that we are using are being made. If we aren't paying any attention to the role that manufacturing has in our economy then who will!
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1 comment:

Yoli said...

Great point bro! I'm not alla bout advertising my points of view on my car either, but know how difficult it can be to just led by example.