Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Plowing A Piss Runway

Because my dog has short legs this is what I have to do everytime it snows. Its kind of hard to take a leak when you have snow up to your weiner. The next time we get a dog the "sumbitch" (technical term used for any animal, vegetable, or mineral) will be about the size of Barkley from Sesame Street.
On another note, do any of you people know what it is like to have Wiggle's songs stuck in your head for 10 or 12 hours at a time?


bloodline said...

dude, it really sucks to have childrens songs in yr head, i'm about to kill my tv

Yoli said...


I babysit often (though not as often as I'd like), so yes. Yes I do.

Aida said...

I often find myself singing "The Backyardigan's" song. and Eggy likes to do the "Elmo" laugh. He's quite good at it, too! So, as a proud parent of 2, this is very normal, Bryan. and by the way, WELCOME BACK 2 BLOGGIN!

Lunatic Biker said...

You are terrific